Saturday, October 23, 2010


I love to fold origami.

I thought I saw an origami book, and it was an origami book!  And it showed me how to fold a paper balloon like my friend did.  So I memorized it.  Then, I folded some in class during recess.  I figured out I can make a whole bunch and use them as paper bombs.  Here are some of them:

My class has a Book Fair, and I saw a book called "The Strange Case of Origami Yoda."  So I looked in it, and after the story, it showed you how to fold him:

I really like this guy, who folds a bunch of origami stuff.  My favorite are the grasshoppers.  Because of that, I started making up my own.  Here is a duck and an elephant, and they're also drink holders!

I saw things things in the origami book (that showed me how to fold a balloon), and I don't know what they are.  But I use them for catching grasshoppers, sometimes, because I can catch them with my bare hands like my friend does.  Sometimes, I use them as puppets.  You put them on your hand and pretend like they're a shark or fish or something.

That same book showed me how to fold a frog (my uncle showed me first, but I forgot), so I got really interested and thought I would fold baby frogs.  Here's my army of frogs:


  1. I like your Yoda. Can I have one?

  2. I must admit I am a little freaked out by the army of frogs. At least it is not an army of spiders- that would be too freaky!

  3. I forgot I also wanted to ask you about your paper bombs.

    Do they really explode...?
    What if instead of expoloding they expanded so big that they were big enough to fit a person inside?

  4. I love,love your sketches. I still have the 4 green origami frogs and the origami box you made the last time you visited! Love, Grandma Lucie
